On september 29, our AMA manager Trung had a live AMA with MR.Jack(Advisor Of COMBO), on BCT Blockchain Community telegram chat.
First step: Introduction
Trung: Today, Mr. Jack will directly answer questions from members of the community BCT blockchain Group and sharing information plan, upcoming COMBO targets. Before starting the program I would like to briefly introduce the program so that everyone participating in the AMA session will know.
Trung: Hello @Combotokenadvisor, can you please introduce about yourself to everyone here ? ^^
Mr.Jack: Hey there Trung! thanks for having me here. I hope everyone is doing well tonight!!
Mr.Jack: Of course!
Trung: For sure sir
Mr.Jack: My name is Jack. Before I start with Combo, I will introduce myself to this lovely comunity!
I am originally from Armenia but have been working in China for over 5 years now. I majored in Business with a focus on Finance and Accounting. My interest in the tech world grew the day I travelled to China. I got into cryptocurrency around 2016, when I was introduced to Bitcoin by a colleague whom I was doing business with in Huaqiang Bei area of Shenzhen city. I decided to gradually get more immersed into Bitcoin, the technology I had fallen in love with. After years of work in and around the crypto world, from around the table meetups to speeches and advisor work, I decided to take my influence further by joining a unique project called Combo.
Mr.Jack: As for Combo, my relationship with the project started over a month ago. I am personally an extremely picky person who carefully picks a project. I study it hard for nights to get convinced into joining one and I must say that I’m extremely lucky and proud to have joined this project.
Trung: It couldn’t be a better profile, he is an enthusiastic and ambitious guy. Thanks for sharing about yourself Jack.
Mr Jack: by the way, It will take me a bit time to answer here as there was a mistake by another Telegram group! they mistakenly did their AMA right at the same time!!
Mr.Jack: Please forgive me for that 😂
Trung: Okayy, i understand sir :))
Mr.Jack: Thanks!
Trung: That’s greatt, so can you briefly introduce your COMBO project to everyone?
Mr.Jack: Of course!
Mr.Jack: So much to say about Combo
Mr.Jack: Combo (COMB) is an aggregation protocol for DeFi derivatives developed based on KuChain, which includes an aggregation platform for various protocols such as liquidity mining, synthetic asset issuance, collateral mining protocols and oracle machines, etc.
The COMBO project serves to provide a bottom layer of DeFi development, which enables traditional financial assets including legal tender, bulk commodities and stocks to seamlessly chain assets through blockchain technology.
Combo is completely decentralized and admission-free, for the purpose of making it easy for all users to participate, and provides a solution channel that leverages traditional financial assets and more diverse and complex transaction strategies.
Mr.Jack: DONE 👍🏻
Trung: That’s sound great, COMBO is really a project that we should keep an eye on in the future guyss.
Mr.Jack: Definitely!
Mr.Jack: I feel extreme pride for being part of the Combo community! As a cofounder and a fan as well!
Trung: Yeh, I wish I could be devoted to Combo just like you do ^^
Trung: so as not to waste everyone’s time, we will come to part 1, where the best 5 questions were chosen from the AMA participants.
Trung: Are you ready Jack ? @Combotokenadvisor
Mr.Jack: Fully ready Trung!
Trung: Okay nice, so we will start to the first questionn
Mr.Jack: Let’s go!
Question 1: One of the ways to promote the project and attract users is to create local #COMBO communities around the world. Does #COMBO have any plans for this? In 2020, will #COMBO promote Marketing? Because MARKETING is the source of almost every project?
User question: @nhatmv1
Trung: @Combotokenadvisor your turn mate ^^
Mr.Jack: Nice question. I'm really looking forward to answer this one!
At Combo, we believe that a project's success comes from many different aspects. One of the most important being marketing, promotion, advertisement. You name it!
Mr.Jack: We have dedicated a huge part of our budget to marketing and promotion because we believe our success lies in the hands of followers. Communities!
Trung: Yeah, that’s the way we all see great projects do, a very clever way to use money
Trung: Thanks for an detail answer Jack.
Mr.Jack: Definitely Trung! We have a whole department working on that side of the project!
Mr.Jack: We look to completely revamp the idea of DeFi and Blockchain together with Kucoin, Kuchain, and Cosmos
Trung: Yah coolll ! There will be more questions for you in part 2 regarding Kucoin Jack ^^
Trung: So we will continue to question 2
Question 2: Currently, Staking is being very interested projects and deploying programs for users. So, does Defi Combo have any plans or programs for Staking COMB? In the near future, how will you aCOMBract more COMB Token holders?
User question: @syrexpro
Mr.Jack: Definitely, we have got 4 important pillars shaping the future of Combo
Jack - Combo token advisory team:
one of the them is staking!
we also call it pledge mining.
Let me talk about that for our community!
In pledge mining, the nodes in the blockchain system do not need too high computing power. They only need to pledge a certain amount of tokens. After running for a period of time, new currencies can be generated, and the new currencies generated are obtained through pledges. income. This is equivalent to depositing money in the bank and getting a certain amount of interest every year.
Anyone who has participated in Bitcoin mining knows that it costs to have their own mining machine to mine, especially buying mining tools such as mining machines, graphics cards, chips, etc.
This is beyond the reach of ordinary people. The emergence of pledge mining has made mining more popular. As long as there is a hard disk, mining can be carried out, which greatly reduces mining costs.
At the same time, POC mining uses hard disk capacity to replace computing power and improve calculations. The threshold of power centralization, even if there are super miners, ordinary retail investors can continue to earn profits.
Mr.Jack: briefly, that is how our pledge mining works!
Mr.Jack: DONE 👍
Mr.Jack: In other words to make it more simple.
Users who pledge with Tokens such as ETH/SNX/COMP can be issued with COMB as a reward
Trung: It is a very detailed answer and I have understood more about how Combo works. really nice Jack
So question 3 now guys
Trung: 3. What is your view about the benefits of Decentralized Liquidity into Defi? Do you have a plan to develop a defi product? Can you share to us today How Defi Combo Face the Liquidity of Defi that makes your project strong?
User question: @merlinpury
Trung: It’s your turn again sir @Combotokenadvisor ^^
Let us know more
Mr.Jack: Awesome Trung! the most important for our team is that we want our investors to know what they’re buying exactly
Mr.Jack: Let’s get to question 3
Question 3: What is your view about the benefits of Decentralized Liquidity into Defi? Do you have a plan to develop a defi product? Can you share to us today How Defi Combo Face the Liquidity of Defi that makes your project strong?
User question: @merlinpury
Trung: Here you are my friend
Mr.Jack: yes, let’s answer that
Mr.Jack: Our project is a DeFi project. We rate DeFi very highly and we are here to disrupt the term Finance, which is what the word DeFi is made of!
Decentralized finance.
Mr.Jack: but before we talk about this. Let me cover a bit about Kuchain and the reason behind our partnership
Mr.Jack: As you all should know. Kuchain picked Combo to become the first DeFi project to run on their platform.
As Kuchain said:
"For KuChain, COMBO is the project most in line with the DeFi concept. As a community-driven ecosystem project, COMBO's COMB issuance method is based on user behavior except for early investment. There is no pre-mining, and ecosystem participants will eventually become stakeholders who pursue long-term networks. Any project that does not require fundraising and only distributes initial tokens can be realized through COMBO. COMBO supports them to acquire initial user groups across multiple chains with multiple assets."
Trung: wow, there are a lot of Defi projects out there but only COMBO was chosen for the Kucoin platform. we have one more reason to invest guys.
So cool
Mr.Jack: Also
Astro Boy ATOM is the representative currency of Cosmos. KuChain is joining forces for cross-chain + defi developments within Cosmos ecosystem. COMBO becomes the first defi project of KuChain, and will support one-click liquidity mining of all projects on KuChain in the future. The COMBO program enriches KuChain ecosystem and also provides a new application scenario for KuCoin exchange holders.
Trung: That’s amazing
Mr.Jack: To answer the liquidity question
Mr.Jack: COMBO will launch the voting governance page afterwards to support the governance mechanism for COMBO holders to participate in the public beta activity network. The voting governance function can provide services in advance for all non-mainnet projects, allowing users to participate in governance in advance and feel the justice of decentralization. Voting governance includes voting to open staking mining pools, liquidity mining pools, oracles to determine objects, etc.
After completing basic business operations and product polishing, Combo will gradually transfer the ecological governance rights to the community. And we will also start to build governance nodes and invite the community to further develop and improve the decentralized COMBO business and node mechanism and other criteria.
Mr.Jack: Now, the COMBO aggregation protocol will set up a liquid mining bonus pool, and the liquid mining reward will be divided according to the liquid mining pool share.
Among them: liquidity mining pool share = user liquidity mining token parameters / liquidity mining token total parameters × 100%
Here is an example: There are two users in the COMBO pledge platform. Alice has pledged 100 COMB transaction certificates for 10 days; Bob has pledged 200 COMB transaction certificates for 5 days;
Alice liquidity mining Staking Token parameter=100×10=1000
Alice’s liquidity mining pool share: 1000/2000×100%=50%
Bob liquidity mining Staking Token parameter=200×5=1000
Bob’s liquidity mining pool share: 1000/2000×100%=50%
Liquidity mining Staking Token total parameters = 1000 + 1000 = 2000
Every time liquidity mining is performed independently, it will mark its start time. Therefore, if two pledges of mining are performed and then withdrawals are made, the first and second may have different bonus amounts. Withdrawal will return the principal and the number of COMB obtained by liquidity mining to the user address.
Trung: The returns are staggering and hopefully the team will increasingly increase those profits for long term investors in the future ^^
Trung: I think we should start with question 4, I can’t wait to know more about COMBO now Jack.
Trung: @Combotokenadvisor are you ready ?
Mr.Jack: Let’s count 5 minutes!
Question 4: Can you share with us some of the future plans, such as the marketing development plan and recent activity plan for the Defi Combo team?
User question: @justatee
Mr.Jack: I will answer that shortly 🤗
Trung: No no, just feel free my friend. We really want to know about Combo ^^
Mr.Jack: Definitely! We are already done with stage 1 of our marketing goals! We were extremely happy with the Kuchain partnership with brought in huge amounts of investors and holders of Combo!
Mr.Jack: Our marketing plan worked so well that we expect to close the public sale much sooner than expected
Mr.Jack: Our second stage will be education. We will market Combo as a successful DeFi product to base all future studies on top of it
Mr.Jack: The future is so bright for Combo, Kuchain, and cosmos
Let’s bet on that 🤗
Trung: It is definitely good news for COMBO fans ^^
Trung: We will Jack
Trung: Trung Thành:
Thank you detailed answer Jack, let's continue to last question
Question 5: What do you think is the biggest challenge in Defi Combo project ? What’s your strategy to overcome these challenge ?
User question: @merlinpury
Mr.Jack: The biggest challenge for DeFi Combo is keep up with constant growth, development and endless challenges from traditional banking. Our first challenge to overcome was getting enough attention from a major player in the crypto market. Most project fail as they never seal any major partnership.We have already been tested and succeeded in passing that challenge by getting Kuchain on our side! Despite the last Kucoin hack, we can still see how important Kucoin is for cryptocurrency and blockchain. They are major power in this industry.
Trung: yeah, and that’s also the reason for our AMA today ^^
Certainly, Kucoin has been well known by far so investors always trust them.
yeah, thank you so much Jack for taking the time and enthusiasm to answer the big questions of today’s AMA participants.
question 5 is also the last question of part 1. we will get to part 2 immediately upon Jack’s prepared confirmation.
So Jack, are you ready for part 2 ? @Combotokenadvisor
Mr.Jack: Let’s go!
Trung: Okay cool
part 2: 5 good questions will be randomly chosen by Jack.
Mr.Jack: READY 👍🏻
Trung: We will start
Part 2: People ask questions about ComBo to guests directly (will choose 5 questions to award)
Wow, too many question now
Let choose 5 best questions @Combotokenadvisor
I've never seen such hype in an AMA session!
Please give me some time to get through 400 questions! 😂
Khương: I think there are over 1000 questions
Trung: Sure, because our community is very strong and they are very serious during AMAs. Thanks for the compliment.
Question 1: What are your plans for global expansion, does COMBO focus only on the current market? Or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users or partnerships? Can you tell us?
Mr.Jack: We are focusing on every single major market around the world. Our main focus is giving a good enough project to get attention from the cryptocurrency world as well as traditional world
Jack - Combo token advisory team:
We are aware that the majority around us are still not aware of how powerful cryptocurrency and blockchain are.
We are ready to educate enough people.
Jack - Combo token advisory team:
As for awareness, we are running campaigns on every major platform.
Our main focuses are WeChat, Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook.
We are getting articles out there on Medium and sealing major partnerships to help us get huge attention from the crypto world
Phuc: Chúc mừng @Sangkaima đã chiến thắng trong câu thứ nhất
Congratulations @Sangkaima on winning the first sentence
Mr.Jack: Let’s search for question 2!
Question 2: What was the biggest milestone your project had so far? What is plan in the next years ?
Mr.Jack: Our biggest milestone we hit at the moment is the major partnership with Kuchain and Cosmos.
We believe this will be the biggest hit for DeFi projects in this bull run
Phuc: Chúc mừng @naughtyloli đã chiến thắng có lẻ như đó là một sự bất ngờ cho bạn ấy!!
Congratulations @naughtyloli on your win maybe like it was a surprise for her !!
Mr.Jack: We already have other announcements coming up soon. They will be announced soon through our Twitter page @deficombo and here on telegram
Jack - Combo token advisory team:
We also be completely changing our website right after the public sale stage ends
Mr.Jack: Let’s get to question 3!
Khuong: Yes, please :D
Phuc: Có lẽ Mr.Jack đang tìm kiếm người chiến thắng
Maybe Mr.Jack is looking for a winner
Question 3: Does the price of the token matter to you from an operational perspective, if the token price is $1 or $100?
Mr.Jack: I find this extremely important.
Phuc: Người chiến thắng tiếp theo đó chính là @gaito rất tuyệt vời với câu hỏi của cô ấy
The next winner is the amazing @gaito with her questionnaire
We want to let the community know that for us at Combo, short term price target will not affect us in any way
The project's development funds are already sealed through partnership and we will never plan or try to dump the price on investors
The team's funds will be locked for considerable by Kucoin. Initially, it is planned to keep the team's tokens locked for 6-12 months
Khuong: Is it done?
we will move to next question
Please pick the next question
Let's take the 4th question
Trung: Hello, im back ^^
Question 4: From a startup project to a mainstream project. being a pioneer in the industry. Do you anticipate that many new startups will show up and COMBO ete?
Trung: Let’s go for Q4 and Q5 Jack
We have already taken into consideration of all the challenges we may have in the future. There will be many white papers that will claim to be the next Combo project. That will never stop us from developing further.
Great :D
And the last question?
Please select the last question Jack :D
Trung: Hello, are you okay Jack ? @Combotokenadvisor
Mr.Jack: YES!!
Trung: Yah, cooll
picking questions from both AMA session!
Please bear with me 🤗
Trung: Keep going my friend
Mr.Jack: We’re at question number 5
Trung: It’s okay, We just afraid you will lose connection
Khuong: It’s so hard
Question 5: Do you have any Coin Burn / BuyBack systems or any Token Burn plans to increase the value of Token & attract Investors to invest?
Mr.Jack: we do not plan on doing any coin burns or buybacks
Phuc: Và kết quả thắng của câu thứ 5 đó là @Holdara đã thắng
And the winning result of that 5th sentence is @Holdara won
That was one of our plans for early stage only for worst case public sale scenario!
Fortunately for Combo, all our tokens are expected to be eaten very soon
Trung: yes, thanks to 5 great questions from AMA participants and 5 very enthusiastic replies from Jack. We had a very sympathetic look at the COMBO project after this AMA.
Mr.Jack: Thank you for this awesome opportunity guys!
Phuc: Cảm ơn Mr.jack đã đồng hành và đóng góp cho cộng đồng của chúng tôi. Đây là một ama rất tuyệt vời
Thank you Mr.jack for accompanying us and for contributing to our community. This is a very wonderful ama
Trung: But can I ask you 2 more important questions, I am really wondering about it.
go ahead
Trung: Can you introduce the liquidity mining of COMBO? and How are COMB Tokens distributed?
@Combotokenadvisor please answer me sir, I really have a very good impression of Combo.
Alo my friend ? Are you there ?
yes! I’ll answer this shortly
Can you introduce the liquidity mining of COMBO? and How are COMB Tokens distributed?
public stage tokens will be distributed right after it ends
as for liquidity mining
It goes this way
the COMBO aggregation protocol will set up a liquid mining bonus pool, and the liquid mining reward will be divided according to the liquid mining pool share.
Among them: liquidity mining pool share = user liquidity mining token parameters / liquidity mining token total parameters × 100%
Here is an example: There are two users in the COMBO pledge platform. Alice has pledged 100 COMB transaction certificates for 10 days; Bob has pledged 200 COMB transaction certificates for 5 days;
Alice liquidity mining Staking Token parameter=100×10=1000
Alice’s liquidity mining pool share: 1000/2000×100%=50%
Bob liquidity mining Staking Token parameter=200×5=1000
Bob's liquidity mining pool share: 1000/2000×100%=50%
Liquidity mining Staking Token total parameters = 1000 + 1000 = 2000
Every time liquidity mining is performed independently, it will mark its start time. Therefore, if two pledges of mining are performed and then withdrawals are made, the first and second may have different bonus amounts. Withdrawal will return the principal and the number of COMB obtained by liquidity mining to the user address.
Nice to hear that, I really think I’m going to invest in this project right now. Thank you so much for the enthusiasm despite our long AMA.
On behalf of the admin team and the BCT blockchain community, I send my best wishes to Combo project. Thank you so much for being here.
so before we officially end this session. Do you have something to share into the community?
Mr.Jack: Jack - Combo token advisory team:
I would like to thank everyone for your time!
Thank you so much for hosting us and we look forward to having you aboard!
Our team works day and night to make this revolutionary
We trust this process and we hope to gain your trust too!!
You can all contact me privately to ask questions about Combo!
Trung: Alright, you guys are on fire. So i think most of the important questions have been already answered.
Mr.Jack: Yes, I had a great time answering your questions!
Trung: Sure Jack
So good bye
Mr.Jack: You guys took my multitasking skills to a whole new level!!
Trung: Thank you very much Jack
Mr.Jack: Two amazing communities
Trung: Hahahaa
Mr.Jack: Jack - Combo token advisory team:
Let's unmute this group!
Trung: Okay
Good bye Jack
— — END AMA — —